:: eye of the storm ::

About Me

A 27-year-old PA student who wants to visit all seven continents, write a book, work at a pediatric clinic in Africa, and basically meet as many of the world's challenges as possible.

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Life List

(already accomplished)

Become a PA

Visit all 7 continents

Take a SwimTrek trip

Bike through Western Europe

Raft the Grand Canyon

Improve my Spanish proficiency

Go on safari in Africa

Trace my roots at Ellis Island

Vacation in Hawaii

Work on a hospital ship in a Third World country

Celebrate New Year's in Times Square

Visit all 50 states (29 to go: AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, MT, NE, NV, NM, ND, OK, OR, RI, SD, TX, UT, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY)

See the ruins at Pompeii

Swim in Capri's Blue Grotto

Tour Mt. Vesuvius

Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain

Tour the Colosseum

Visit the D-Day beaches

See the Mona Lisa

Visit the palace at Versailles

See the Acropolis and Parthenon

See the Egyptian pyramids

Hike the Inca Trail

Walk El Camino Santiago

Take an Alaskan cruise

View the Taj Mahal at sunrise

Hike Table Mountain in South Africa

Climb through the Amazon canopy

Walk at least part of the Great Wall of China

Get laser hair removal

Learn to surf, ski, and snowboard

Learn to drive a stick-shift

Learn to play the piano

Go on a tropical cruise

Ride horseback on the beach

Ride in a hot air balloon

Get tickets to the Olympics

Go to adult Space Camp

Witness a shuttle launch from up close

Build a full-sized snowman

Sew a quilt out of my old race T-shirts

Update and continue my Life Scrapbook

Become the oldest person to ever do the River Run

Live to be a happy, healthy 100 years old - at least!

(unlikely dreams)

zondag 7 december 2003

Current Music: De Dijk - Ik kan het niet alleen

Hallo allemaal!

Well. Turns out I have to write a paper after all for Second Language Acquisition. The options were an oral presentation in groups or a paper, so I originally chose the paper – I always express myself better in written form, and besides, I didn’t have a group. But then these two girls who sit behind me in class, N and S, asked me if I wanted to be in their group, so I said okay and shelved the paper idea. But now that we’ve gotten the list of topics, we reached a mutual consensus that we barely understand these concepts ourselves, let alone trying to explain them to other people. So I’m doing the paper again. 2,000 words, which sounds mammoth to N and S but isn’t all that bad to me – it’s only half of my IB paper.

H is here again from France… always nice to see her, but she got here Friday night and P (mine :)) was also here then. 4 people in a two-room apartment is not ideal. I told S, “Let’s just try not to trip over each other, okay?” LOL. Can’t wait to have my new room… M (the girl whose room it is) said she’d call me after she talked to her huisbaas… what’s the word… landlord? Something like that. Anyway, but she hasn’t called yet. Hope it works out.

I got into the gedichten (poems) mood a little late - on Sinterklaasavond instead of before. (Non-Dutch: it’s tradition to write poems for each other on Sinterklaas and give them as gifts, together with a small present.) But whatever, so I started writing poems. I had been out searching for a present for S since he put a chocolate J in my shoe (which had been my original idea, by the way, a chocolate S), but Albert Heijn didn’t have any more letters or pepernoten, and everything was closing early because of the holiday. So I got on the way-too-crowded bus home and ended up sitting on a luggage rack and scribbling a poem on my little notepad. I was surprised by how easy it was – I finished it in the span of the 10-minute bus ride. They really are easier in Dutch. Anyway, I’m sure there are a few errors in all the ones I wrote, but I think this one is largely correct and if not, the Dutch people know what I mean (in their poems I attributed it to the fact that Sint and Piet come from Spain… haha!) and S won’t notice anyway.

Anyway, so it went like this.

Sint en Piet zaten te denken
Wat ze jou zouden gaan schenken.
Eerst dachten ze van een lekker chocolade S
Maar dat heeft Piet net gegeven aan Jess.
Toen dacht Sint van pepernoten voor zo’n meneer
Maar Albert Heijn had er helaas geen meer.
Dus ze hebben gewoon dit gedichtje gemaakt
Want ze hebben echt veel aan je gedacht
(En ze kunnen ook ná vandaag komen, echt waar!)
Alvast: prettige Kerst en gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

For the non-Dutch speakers… it just says basically what I told you – that the letter and the pepernoten didn’t work out so Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet just wrote him this poem. I also said (second-to-last line) that they could also come after ‘today’, (that way, when I find something, I can give it to him). The first couplet is sort of a ‘typical’ way to begin (rough translation: “Sint and Piet were thinking what they would give to you”) and the last line is more of an American expression I think – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – but since it was for S it was okay to do that.

Anyway, so then I got inspired and started writing more, for practically everyone I knew, but I didn’t really finish many of them – only the ones for P, P, and M. (And P’s and M’s were a lot the same – “Een talent voor onderwijs is ook te merken aan jou / (Twee Florida studenten in Nederland, ondanks de kou!)… That type of thing.) I did have a present for P though – those Ice Breakers mints that Mom sent – but they were in the Lost Package (looks more dramatic to capitalize it, don’t you think? :)) together with my pants, computer stuff, book, chocolate, etc. Sigh.

Anyway, so P (the male one :)) was here on Sinterklaasavond/Sinterklaas so I gave him his, and after he left I thought it would be cute to go stick P’s and M’s poems through their mail slots anonymously. So I took my bike and went to M’s house first. And I’m really glad I came from the side that I did, the door side, because her big front window had the curtains wide open and I could see a hand doing something with a wrapped present. I couldn’t have crossed that window without her seeing me. But luckily I was on the door side, so I slid along the wall and stuck the paper as quietly as I could through the mail slot, then ‘buggered off’ (Aussie :)) as fast as I could in case she’d heard me. But I don’t think she did, so that part was ‘gelukt’. Then to P’s house. I had a feeling I was going to run into her – just a feeling – so I was very careful, looking at all the people at the bus stop, etc., making sure I didn’t see her. So then I turned onto the Poortstraat, thinking “Almost home free”… and she and S (her S) were walking towards me! Rats! Foiled again… (“Ik ben Zwarte Piet; het was niet de bedoeling dat je mij zou zien!”) But oh well, I just gave her the poem then and she really liked it so that’s all that matters, right?

Anyway, so now I’ve written a really really long entry and it’s pretty much all about poems. Shutting up now…

(P.S. Oh yeah... Mom and Dad and C will be here in 17 days! And I downloaded Bend It Like Beckham and it actually works! (Once I downloaded the right codec, that is.) Woohoo!)

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